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Manually Updating the TBWinPE/RE Boot Media

Generally, after creating the TBWinPE or TBWinRE build you will use the MakeDisk utility to create the boot media. As part of the process, the media is formatted, which will remove existing contents. This can be undesirable when the media contains other files. For example, if you have a large TBWinRE USB flash drive (UFD) that also contains your backup images, you wouldn't want to reformat the drive and lose your backups. In these cases, you can manually update the TBWinRE files.

Important: The TBWinPE/RE boot media being updated must be writable and should already boot properly. Updating the build files manually will not fix booting issues (unless the issue is due to missing booting files). To repair booting issues it may be necessary to recreate it using MakeDisk. If you need to change the USB Layout used for the boot media it would necessary to recreate it using MakeDisk.


  1. Create the new build of TBWinPE/RE normally using either TBWinPE/RE Builder or one of the scripts (TBWinPE.cmd, TBWinRE.cmd).

  2. After the build has finished there is no need to run the MakeDisk utility. In the case of Builder you can just exit Builder when it's finished. Otherwise, just exit MakeDisk when it runs.

  3. Use Windows File Explorer (or Command Prompt) and browse to the TBWinPE/RE build folder. For example, if your TBWinRE build folder is E:\TBWinRE, browse to that folder.

    If you're creating the TBWinRE build from a default Image for Windows installation, the folder would be one of the following:

    Windows 32-bit (x86)
    C:\Program Files\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite\tbwinre

    Windows 64-bit (x64)
    C:\Program Files (x86)\TeraByte Drive Image Backup and Restore Suite\tbwinre

  4. Once in the build folder, open the ISO folder (e.g. E:\TBWinRE\ISO). This folder contains the files for the boot media.

  5. Copy the contents of the ISO folder to the root folder of the existing TBWinPE/RE boot media drive. For example, if your TBWinRE UFD is drive F:, you would copy to F:\ (in the case of Windows File Explorer you would just open the drive and copy there). The existing TBWinPE/RE files on the boot media will be replaced with the updated files. If you receive a prompt to overwrite or replace the files, select to do so.

    Note: In standard builds, it's really only necessary to copy the updated boot.wim file to the boot media since the booting files likely haven't changed. Using the example above, you would copy the E:\TBWinRE\ISO\sources\boot.wim to F:\sources\boot.wim to update the media. You may also wish to copy the TBData\TBWinRE.txt (or TBWinPE.txt) file as it contains the version information for the build. For custom builds you would want to copy any custom files included in your build's ISO folder that are newer than those on the boot media. For example, you may have an updated autorun.cmd file in the ISO\TBData folder that should be copied.


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