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Explanation of the Image for DOS/Linux/Windows “Partition List” (/L) Command Line Option


Image for DOS, Image for Linux, and Image for Windows each support a command line option to view the partitions on a selected hard drive or in a specified backup image. The applicable command line parameter is /L with Image for DOS and Image for Windows, and --L (or -L) with Image for Linux.  The use of this parameter is explained below.

Usage Notes

  • As with all Image for DOS/Linux/Windows command line parameters, none of the parameters and modifiers shown below are case sensitive.  (Under Linux, however, the paths and file names are case sensitive.)

  • Administrator privileges are required when using the /L parameter with Image for Windows.  This does not mean that the actual Administrator account must be used; only that the applicable user must be a member of the Administrators group.

Image for DOS:
IMAGE /L [/F:"[a@0xb|c]:\path\image.tbi"|/D:n] [/OPT[:A|:F|:S|:U]] [/FS] [/ALL] [> [c:]\path\filename.txt]

Image for Linux:
imagel --L [--F:"[a@0xb]/path/image.tbi"|--D:n] [--OPT[:G|:L]] [--FS] [--ALL] > "/path/filename.txt"

Image for Windows:
[CMD /C] IMAGEW /L [/F:"[a@0xb|c]:\path\image.tbi"|/D:n] [/OPT] [/FS] [/ALL] > "[c:]\path\filename.txt"

  • CMD /C is required when running IMAGEW.EXE with the /L parameter from a shortcut, rather than from a command line or batch file. Note: The shortcut doesn't require CMD /C if you use the /stdout option instead of standard redirection.

  • The "a" in a@0xb signifies a hard drive number (0 through 9).  The "0xb" represents a partition ID in hexadecimal notation. Thus, paths and file names may be specified using hard drive/partition notation (e.g. 0@0x01 for partition 01 on hard drive number 0).

  • Alternatively (as denoted by the "c" in "a@0xb|c"), Image for Windows and Image for DOS allow you to specify drive letters. This requires that the applicable drive letter has been assigned.

  • With some Linux shells, quotation marks must be preceded with a backslash (e.g. \"/path/filename.txt\" rather than "/path/filename.txt").

  • /L (-L or --L for IFL) instructs the program to generate a partition listing.

  • /F (--F for IFL) can be used to list the partition information within the specified image file.

    • An image file path/name must be supplied.

      • To point to an image file in a specific folder, supply a path and file name (e.g. /F:c:\path\image.tbi).
      • To point to an image file in the current directory, supply just the file name (e.g. /F:image.tbi).
      • Quotation marks and long file names may be used where supported by the OS and file system (e.g. /F:"c:\long path\image.tbi").

    • Cannot be used with the /D (--D for IFL) parameter.

    • If /F and /D:n (--F and --D:n for IFL) are each omitted, the partitions on all detected drives will be listed.

  • /D:n (--D:n for IFL) can be used to specify the hard drive number (0 through 9) for which the partitions should be listed.

    • The n is required, and specifies the hard drive number for which the partitions should be listed.
    • Cannot be used with the /F (--F for IFL) parameter.
    • If /D:n and /F (--D:n and --F for IFL) are each omitted, the partitions on all detected drives will be listed.

  • /OPT (--OPT for IFL) causes optical drives to be included in the list.

    • Image for DOS supports the following modifiers for the /OPT parameter:

      • /OPT:A lists detected ATA/ATAPI optical drives.
      • /OPT:F lists detected IEEE 1394 optical drives.
      • /OPT:S lists optical drives using ASPI.
      • /OPT:U lists detected USB 2 optical drives.

    • Image for Linux supports the following modifiers for the --OPT parameter:

      • --OPT:G lists detected SCSI optical drives.
      • --OPT:L lists detected "Linux device" optical drives.

    • Image for Windows will list all detected optical drives when /OPT is supplied.

  • /FS (--FS for IFL) causes free space information to be included in the list.

  • /ALL (--ALL for IFL) will create a more detailed report.

  • > c:\path\filename.txt (> /path/filename.txt for IFL) specifies the path/file name where the list of partitions will be written.

    • Required when using Image for Windows with the /L parameter.
    • Optional when using Image for DOS with the /L parameter (if omitted, IFD will display the output on screen).
    • May be required using Image for Linux with the /L parameter, depending on the shell/terminal being used (some may not show output on screen).
    • To create this file in a specific folder, supply a path and file name (e.g. > c:\path\filename.txt).
    • To create this file in the current directory, supply just the file name (e.g. > filename.txt).
    • Quotation marks and long file names may be used when supported by the file system (e.g. > "c:\long path\filename.txt").
    • Use one > to create or overwrite the output file (e.g. > filename.txt).
    • Use two > to create or append to the output file (e.g. >> filename.txt).
    • Note: If the standard redirection (as in the above examples) doesn't work, you can specify the /stdout option instead.
      For example: IMAGE /L /D:0 /ALL /STDOUT:d:\partinfo.txt

Usage Examples

IMAGE /L /F:1@0xDF:\path\backup.tbi

The above command line will cause Image for DOS to list the partition information stored within the image file named backup.tbi, which resides in the folder \path on the partition with ID DF on hard drive number 1 (1@0xDF). Output will be displayed on screen.

IMAGE /L /D:1 /OPT:S /FS > E:\backups\partinfo.txt

The above command line will cause Image for DOS to list the partitions for hard drive number 1 (/D:1) and for any detected ASPI optical drives (/OPT:S). The free space available in each partition will also be shown (/FS). Output will not be shown on screen, but will instead be written to the file partinfo.txt, which will be created or overwritten (>) in the \backups folder on the E: partition.

CMD /C "C:\Program Files\TeraByte Unlimited\Image for Windows\V2\imagew.exe" /D:0 >> "\\\C$\Backups\D-Partinfo.txt"

The above command line is configured to run from a shortcut only (due to the use of CMD /C) and will cause Image for Windows to list the partitions for hard drive number 0 (/D:0). Output will be written to the file D-Partinfo.txt, which will be created or appended to (>>) in the \Backups folder on the mapped C: drive (C$) of the system with the LAN IP address  Please note that this command line requires that the system denoted by is accessible and that it does not have administrative shares disabled in any way.

imagel --L --D:2 > /media/backups/images/partinfo

The above command line will cause Image for Linux to list the partitions for hard drive number 2 (--D:2). Output will be written to the file partinfo, which will be created or overwritten (>) in the /images folder on the partition mounted at /media/backups.

An example of what output might look like when using the /L parameter follows:

HD0  (0x80) (FD2C4742)

Dr       Name          Size     Typ   ID      File System
-- ---------------- ----------- --- ------ ------------------
   System Reserved       100MiB Pri (01)   HPFS/NTFS
C: Win7                38810MiB Pri (02)   HPFS/NTFS
BootIt EMBRM             5MB Pri (80)   BootIt EMBRM


  • System Reserved is the name of the first partition
  • The partition size is 100MiB
  • Pri indicates that System Reserved is a primary partition
  • 01 is the partition ID
  • NTFS is the file system used on the partition

  • Win7 is the name of the second partition
  • The partition size is 38810MiB
  • Pri indicates that Win7 is a primary partition
  • 02 is the partition ID
  • NTFS is the file system used on the partition

  • BootIt EMBRM is the name of the third partition
  • The partition size is 5MiB
  • Pri indicates that BootIt EMBRM is a primary partition
  • 80 is the partition ID
  • BootIt EMBRM is the file system used on the partition

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